Chrylser, Dodge, Jeep, RAM Dealership

Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, RAM Dealer

A Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, RAM dealership with an influx of RAM truck inventory they needed to move.


increase in YoY RAM truck sales


of geo-fencing clicks converted to in-store auto shopper visits


increase in YoY RAM truck sales

title arrow icon Goals


title arrow icon Challenges

This dealership had historically performed well in RAM truck sales but noticed a decline and were unsure where they were losing out. They needed an efficient marketing strategy to positively impact their turn rate.

title arrow icon Solutions

Our LocaliQ marketing team looked at dealer performance in RAM models by buyer profile and geography to uncover the best opportunity for an efficient marketing investment. We proposed a digital advertising strategy that included:


title arrow icon Results

After the LocaliQ team launched the integrated marketing campaign, this dealer saw a spike in RAM engagement on their website and onsite at the dealership resulting in a 33% increase year-over-year in RAM truck sales in top RAM zip codes during the campaign period. Additionally, they saw a 15% increase in RAM truck sales in the overall market. And, 47% of the clicks driven from geofenced ads converted to in-store auto shopper visits.

But most impressively, this dealership was able to outperform their brand and the total market during the deployment of their multi-tactic auto marketing campaign.

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