Used Car Auto Group

The largest used vehicle automotive group in the Louisville metro market with six locations spanning Kentucky and Indiana.



title arrow icon Challenges

This automotive group was looking for a new search marketing provider to help them increase sales of their used vehicle inventory.

title arrow icon Solutions

After conducting an in-depth analysis of the automotive group’s current search marketing strategy and other digital marketing efforts, LOCALiQ AUTOMOTIVE suggested a comprehensive automotive marketing strategy that included:

  • Search Marketing
  • Social Ads
  • Targeted Display

title arrow icon Results

Every element of LOCALiQ AUTOMOTIVE’s marketing campaign performed above benchmark for the automotive group and drove more web visitors, phone calls, and form fills. Additionally, the use of geofencing as one of the targeted display tactics made a big impression on customers, with many telling the automotive group they had been at competing dealers when they saw the ad.

In their previous campaign with a different marketing partner, there were a number of branded keywords that weren’t converting well. The automotive group was also happy with the way LOCALiQ AUTOMOTIVE trimmed the extra keywords from their search marketing campaign to focus solely on those that would drive the best results.

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Make their search stop with you