Free Business Listings Grader

Are you missing opportunities to reach new customers?

Find out by instantly checking your business listing information across 20+ of the top online directories, including Google and Facebook.

Instantly check and fix your business listings to get more customers

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Enter your information

Provide your business name and address, and we’ll check your business listings for presence and accuracy across the top online directories.

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Check your listings

Instantly see which listings are missing or contain errors across 20+ business directories, then fix your citations for better local SEO!

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Increase your online visibility

Clean up your listings so that nearby customers find and choose YOU, not your competitors!

Ready to jumpstart your business listings management?

80% of consumers won’t trust a local business unless their online listings and citations are correct. With our free local listing checker, you can instantly get the insights you need to:

  • Get found on top business directories
  • Rank higher on Google
  • Increase website traffic
  • Get more reviews and customers

The Free Business Listings Grader is
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Frequently asked questions

What are local citations?

A local citation is any mention of a business’s name and contact information online—most commonly name, address, and phone number (NAP). Your business’s citation data appears in your listings, social media profiles, on your website, and more.

What’s the purpose of a citation audit and cleanup?

50% of business owners have seen incorrect information in their online review listings. With a citation audit and cleanup, you can quickly inventory your online business listings and fix any mistakes, inaccuracies, or duplicates that could be hurting your visibility and limiting your success. It’s a systematic way to manage your business listings at scale.

Why do I need to manage my business listings?

First and foremost, your business listings are crucial for getting found online in local searches. Did you know that over 50% of “near me” searches result in a physical store visit, and that 88% of searches for local businesses on a mobile device drive either a call or visit to the business within a day? (Source: financesonline)

Second, the accuracy of your business listings directly impacts whether you get customers. 97% of consumers use online directories to find products and services near them, and if the information is outdated, confusing, or inaccurate, they may choose a competitor over you, or even worse, lose trust in your business completely.

In fact, 80% of consumers will lose trust in local businesses due to incorrect listing information, 67% will stop using that business, and 30% will go to a competitor (Source: Bright Local).

Why is business listings management important?

Business listings management is important for two reasons. The first one, as mentioned above, is that an inaccurate, incomplete, or confusing listing can deter customers or even cause them to dismiss or distrust you. 93% of consumers say they are frustrated by incorrect information in online directories (Source: Bright Local).

The second reason is that many business owners don’t realize just how many listings exist for their business. Not only are there aggregators that auto-generate business listings, but many platforms allow anyone to add a place or business to the map—where it could be accumulating reviews, photos, and other sourced or user-generated content without your knowing. It’s not until you claim ownership of your listing that you can control the information that gets displayed on it.

So if you want to attract customers as well as monitor and manage your online reputation, you need to be diligent about your business listing management.

What does a local business listings service do?

A local business listing service can do a number of things, like create optimized profiles on the top business directories, identify, claim, and optimize unclaimed listings, monitor and maintain reviews and other elements of your reputation, and/or provide tools to easily access and edit your business information from one single dashboard.

How does LocaliQ’s local business listing tool work?

LocaliQ’s Free Business Listing Grader checks your business information across 20+ of the top online directories, including Google, Facebook, and Bing. It will then generate a report that tells you which listings are correct, which ones are incorrect or missing information (and what information is missing), and which ones are missing altogether.

What are my options for business listings management?

There are many services that can simplify listings management for you. For instance, LocaliQ’s Listings solution includes multiple plans that allow you to easily manage business listings across top directories, monitor and respond to reviews, remove duplicate listings, and more. Any change you make through our platform is automatically synced across all directories, ensuring top citations are accurate and updated. Learn more about our Listings plans here.

80% of consumers won’t trust a local business unless their online listings and citations are correct.

Learn how to improve your online presence and get found by new customers.

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