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  • Infographic: 6 Things the Experts Say will be Big in 2019 for Local Businesses

When it comes to running a business, there are a lot of moving parts, which can make it difficult to keep up with all the new trends, predictions, and tips emerging at the beginning of each year.

We wanted to simplify it for you in this handy infographic featuring some business experts and what they say will be big this year. Not surprisingly, a focus on the customer, their experience, and how to understand them were all highlights from the experts.

Check it out!

Further Focus on the Customer Experience
“Businesses will continue to understand that the modern consumer is different ““ they can be impatient, they want immediate response, they won’t leave voicemail messages ““ so winning the hearts and minds of the modern consumer requires thinking more comprehensively about the customer experience. As the biggest companies focus more on customer experience, small and mid-sized companies will have to do likewise. This means understanding their customer’s journey and finding ways to make the journey easier, more engaging, more satisfying, and more memorable.”
Neal Polachek | @nealbp
Advisor to the Local SMB Tech Space

A Better Work/Life Balance for Business Owners
“I think business owners and employees are, and have been, feeling the effects of burnout and overwhelm. They are desperate for a way to dig out of it. I think (and hope) that 2019 will be a year of less. Less stress, fewer insignificant projects, and less junk. We’ll focus on how we can make a bigger impact with fewer resources and how to do more with less time. We won’t worry about small, insignificant details. We won’t let ourselves get overwhelmed with things that seem urgent, but aren’t important. We will do work that matters while giving ourselves a break!”
Jess Tyson | @jessostroff
Director of Calm, Don’t Panic Management

Using Big Data to Understand the Consumer
“I see more companies trying to harness big data; some successfully and others not so much. To have a clearer picture on buying patterns and customer habits will be critical to future success. Look for CRM systems to take center stage in SMB companies in 2019.”
Brian Moran | @BrianMoran
CEO, Small Business Edge

A Call for More Honesty & Transparency
“Hopefully this year we’ll see a trend of more honesty and transparency from companies to whom we give our business. It’s a slow moving trend, but it’s continuing. Consumers demand (and deserve) more when it comes to customer experience, as well as security of any data they share with any company with whom they do business.”
Peter Shankman | @petershankman
Author, Entrepreneur, Futurist

A Customized Experience for Consumers”¯
“Consumers are more and more interested in experiences and products that feel tailored to them, so the more personal you can make your offer feel, the better off you’ll be. This also works as a bonus for marketers and sales people, because customization makes it easy for you to create segmented pools of customers for better targeting.””¯
Hillary Weiss“¯| @hcweiss“¯
Messaging Strategist, Brand Consultant, Copywriter”¯

A Holistic Approach to Marketing
“I think businesses will need to be more holistic about their marketing approach. Running one form of media simply will not do anymore.”
Andre Archimbaud | @arshimbo
Sr. Digital Marketing Consultant, LOCALiQ

Want more insights from the experts? We’ve got you covered! The Growth Lab Show podcast features these experts and more ““ all sharing actionable insights to help you grow your business. You can also find great business info and marketing insights on our blog.

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