Let’s be honest, there’s a lot going on right now, and posting to your business’s social media page is probably not your top priority. For one, it can be hard to know what to say. For another, it can feel insincere or out of line to be business-as-usual on your social channels.
Many businesses are in the same boat. They’re double-checking their scheduled posts and their content calendars to make sure they’re being sensitive to what’s going on.
But the truth is, as we disconnect from those around us by transitioning to a work from home reality and practice social distancing, we’re logging in online “ making social media an even bigger part of our lives.
If you’re like me, you’re checking Twitter for news updates and looking on Instagram for a little bit of an escape from what’s going on. You might be getting on Facebook to see how your friends and family are doing and getting into TikTok for the first time.
If you’re not working or binging your favorite shows, you’re trying to stay connected on social media.
So, it makes sense for many businesses to get on social media, too. But, what should you post? What’s even okay to post?
Here are some ideas for what you could post to social media right now (if it makes sense for your business).
1. Updates from Reputable Local Sources
Local businesses are the foundation of our communities. So, it would make sense for your business to amplify local reputable sources sharing information and resources. If your city’s Facebook page is sharing regular updates, you can share that to your own pages to ensure your audience is getting the information.
Maybe there’s a local animal shelter in need of fosters “ that’s something you could share, especially if you or an employee has adopted a dog from that shelter in the past.
2. Updates About Your Business
Social media is the perfect way to let your audience know about any changes happening in your business. Have you adjusted your hours? Are you offering new services “ like curbside pickup or to-go orders? Are you offering consultations over the phone? Let your consumers know how they can reach you and continue doing business with you.
Social media also gives you the opportunity to connect with a wide audience. If your business is struggling right now, it’s okay to let your consumers know. They want to help! My local bakery has been really open about their current situation and is providing new ways for people to continue purchasing for them. When I saw a post urging people to buy cupcakes for curbside pick-up so they can stay in business, I couldn’t say no to that! I went and bought cupcakes that day.
3. Engaging & Relevant Questions
I’ve seen a lot of posts from businesses, celebrities, and other users asking for ideas for shows to binge-watch, things to do with their kids inside, or movies to put on.
You can also ask your audience to share this information with you. Then, give updates on the shows or movies you’ve watched or the activities you’ve tried. This is a fun and easy way to engage with your community and start a dialogue on social media.
4. Spotlights on Your Employees
Are your employees doing anything fun or helpful for the community right now? Maybe you have an employee that ran to the store for their elderly neighbor or delivered cleaning supplies to a local shelter. You can shine a light on the good that your team is doing in the local community.
5. Good News
Right now, things feel kind of dark. But, good things are happening. Just like you can spotlight great things your employees are doing, you can share stories like that happening in your community from your local online publication. Everyone likes to see a little good news when the rest of the news is bleak.
6. Helpful Content that Relates to Your Specialty
If your business can contribute any helpful information or resources during this pandemic, now’s the opportunity to share it. Say you’re a cleaning company and you know how to make disinfectant out of supplies most people have at home. Or, if you’re a restaurant, you could share recipes with ingredients people have on-hand.
Sharing this content should be based on what’s helpful to your audience, and less about you and what you can do.
7. Cute Animals
If all else fails, share pictures of cute animals. It can be pets, a gallery you found online, or shared from another user. Plus, you can ask your audience to share a picture of their pets with you “ everyone loves to get compliments on how cute their pets are. And, more people are home with their pets, so this is a great time for them to share.
Connecting authentically with your audience happens when you’re willing to be part of the conversation, contribute in a meaningful way, and sit back if needed. As we move through this difficult time, it can feel paralyzing “ but, you don’t have to completely leave the conversation. Social media gives you a way to participate, show up, and support your community.