Empire Auto Spa

Empire Auto Spa

Longwood & Sanford, FL

Empire Auto Spa has over 30 years of experience and provides high-quality detailing services in central Florida. Customer satisfaction is their priority, and their range of services makes it convenient for customers to get what they need from their auto detailing.


Business growth in one year

3 Vans

Added to fleet


calls doubled in less than one month

"From year one to year two, my business grew 130% with LocaliQ solutions."

- Shawn Beecher, Owner, Empire Auto Spa

title arrow icon Goals

  • Grow business in the Orlando area.
  • Maximize marketing budget.
  • Expand service lines and location.

title arrow icon Challenges

Shawn Beecher, owner of Empire Auto Spa, started his business without a large budget for advertising, so his focus was on finding a local marketing partner that could help him reach new customers in a cost-effective manner.

title arrow icon Solutions

Empire Auto Spa runs a number of LocaliQ solutions, including:

These solutions allow the business to grow their business online and improve their web presence.

title arrow icon Results

Empire Auto Spa has had an interesting journey leading them to running LocaliQ’s solutions. After partnering with us for digital marketing and seeing tremendous success, including 130% growth in just one year, Beecher decided he wanted to try to replicate our success on his own.

“I tried running my own campaigns for about six months, and it was a tremendous failure,” said Beecher.

After seeing little to no results with his own efforts, he contacted us again and has never looked back.

Immediately after restarting LocaliQ search marketing, Empire Auto Spa, previously Mobile Empire Detailing, was getting more calls, website visits, and new customers. Then, they added LocaliQ SEO to their marketing mix and saw their calls double.

The increased exposure through a paid and organic strategy on top search engines like Google has allowed Beecher’s business to flourish, and as a result, he’s moved to a larger business location, hired additional employees, and added more vans for his mobile unit.

“Without LocaliQ marketing solutions, my business would be half the size it is now,” said Beecher.

Empire Auto Spa now runs a comprehensive digital marketing program through LocaliQ, including our website solution, listings management solution, and social media marketing solution. This integrated digital marketing campaign allows Empire Auto Spa to have a full online presence they wouldn’t have without LocaliQ’s solutions.

LocaliQ lead management, our solution for managing, gives Beecher the power to know what’s actually working to get him new customers online. He’s able to access his reports and incoming leads directly from his phone, so he can make business decisions in real time on how to spend his marketing budget, which is solely focused on digital marketing at this time.

“It’s like a marketing cheat sheet in the palm of my hand,” said Beecher.

LocaliQ marketing solutions and our team of experts empower Empire Auto Spa to focus on their business while their online marketing is driving new clients through the door.

Because each of our solutions include best-in-class service from a team of experts, Empire Auto Spa gets a level of attention that many small businesses could only achieve through a large and extremely expensive agency.

“LocaliQ marketing solutions give my small business the ability to have an expert in all of the different advertising aspects,” said Beecher.

Empire Auto Spa spends less time getting better results and a higher ROI because of LocaliQ marketing solutions.

Beecher said without our solutions, his business would be half the size it is now, and he’s looking forward to seeing continued growth with us by his side.

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Make their search stop with you