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  • 19 Best Facebook Ad Examples [2024]

Reading up on Facebook ads best practices and exploring expert tips can be helpful as you practice creating a Facebook advertising campaign. But it’s even more helpful to see examples of those best practices in action. So, let’s look at the best Facebook ad examples from local businesses and growing brands alike to see what we can learn from them.

Table of contents

Facebook ad examples by format

Facebook ad examples by vertical

Facebook ad examples for each format

To start, here are some Facebook ad examples for each format so that you can get a feel for what types of Facebook ads might work for you.

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Facebook image ad example

The most typical Facebook ad you might see is your standard Facebook image ad like this one here. All Facebook image ads feature a single image, some text, and a link with a call to action button.

facebook image ad examples - screenshot of single image facebook ad


The above Facebook ad example features a simple but powerful image, creative description text complete with an emoji, and a powerful call to action. If you want to take your Facebook image ads to the next level, you could create a custom social media image to feature in your image ad.

The Facebook ad example below is the perfect illustration of how to effectively use a custom image in an ad. Images used in Facebook ads are also clickable, so adding a button directly to the image to entice users to click on the ad was a smart move. Additionally, the custom Facebook ad image is clear and clean without a ton of text or busy creative elements that could make the content difficult to digest.

facebook ads examples - custom facebook image ad


Facebook video ad example

Facebook video ads essentially follow the same format as a Facebook image ad, but instead, the featured content is a video rather than a still image. This type of Facebook ad can be the perfect opportunity to expand your video marketing strategy.

facebook video ad example


Facebook lead ad example

Facebook lead ads can be a lucrative lead-generation tactic for growing businesses. Facebook lead ads can include images, videos, text, and links, like the Facebook ad examples we saw above, but their primary feature is the form that is attached to the ad. With Facebook lead ads, users can fill out a lead-generation form directly on the ad rather than jumping to your business’s landing page.

facebook lead ad examples - screenshot of facebook lead ad with form steps


Facebook carousel ad example

One of the most common types of Facebook ads found in feeds is the Facebook carousel ad. A Facebook carousel ad allows your business to show multiple “cards” that feature your products or services with call-to-action buttons on each card. Here is an example of a Facebook carousel ad from a retail business.

facebook ad examples - facebok carousel ad example screenshot


Instant experience Facebook ad

Facebook instant experience ads (formerly known as Canvas ads) are mobile-optimized ads that instantly load full-screen videos, images, digital storefronts, and more.

facebook ads examples - facebook instant ad experience samples


Collection Facebook ad

Collection Facebook ads are perfect for when you have a series of products or services you want to showcase. The collection ad below provides a great example for how this ad format can drive interest for your business by showcasing multiple products or feature highlights.

Facebook ad examples - Facebook collection ads screenshot


Vertical Facebook ad examples

No matter what niche market your business may be in, you can likely find a Facebook ad example that relates to your industry here.

Real estate Facebook ad example

Miloff Aubuchon Realty Group is a real estate company LocaliQ worked with to provide a custom mix of marketing solutions, including social ads like this one.

facebook ad examples - realtor facebook ad example


What does this ad do well? It:

  • immediately grabs attention with an attractive image.
  • starts by reminding the audience of a pressing need they have.
  • covers the main goals of the realty group’s target clients—selling quickly at the best price and enjoying a professional experience.
  • speak directly to viewers instead of speaking about them, using impersonal phrasing like, “We help homeowners sell their Southwest Florida properties.”
  • uses marketing trigger words such as “need,” “simple,” “quickly,” “best,” and “advantages.”

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Home services Facebook ad example

This simple but effective Facebook ad from Metro Garage Door Co works for several reasons.

best facebook ad example - facebook ad screenshot from home services company



  • stands out visually both thanks to the video and the eye-catching color of the emojis.
  • is clear about what’s offered and what areas the company serves.
  • subtly builds credibility by mentioning that the company has been in business since 1978.

Senior living Facebook ad example

Next up is a well-done ad from Carillon Senior Living, a LifeCare program serving West Texas and the South Plains.

best facebook ad example - senior living facebook ad example


This ad is effective because it:

  • starts with the main goal someone interested in its program would care about—still being able to enjoy the present while not worrying about the future.
  • reiterates more than once how its program meets the needs and wants of seniors.
  • makes the copy easy to read at a glance via the list format.
  • uses positive imagery and a resident testimonial to create a positive perception of the ad.

Healthcare Facebook ad examples

Spindel Eye Associates—another local business we assisted—has also had success with Facebook advertising. Consider a few things one of its ads does right.

facebook ad example - example of facebook ad for healthcare business


This ad:

  • uses video to catch attention and provide additional information not mentioned in the copy, such as the addresses of the locations and phone number.
  • reassures potential patients to ease common concerns about quality of care and such.
  • mentions the locale the business serves so that New Hampshire residents know Spindel is an option for them.
  • directly invites the audience to schedule an appointment rather than hoping they’ll take that action on their own.
Here is another healthcare Facebook ad example that uses short and sweet Facebook ad copy.
Facebook ad examples - healthcare Facebook ad screenshot
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Salon and spa Facebook ad examples

Last up is a Facebook ad from Spavia Day Spa. What techniques used here are worth learning from and customizing for your ads?

best facebook ad examples - screenshot of facebook ad for spa


This example does a good job of:

  • using descriptive words and even alliteration to emphasize the main points and create a pleasant rhythm for readers.
  • using emotional triggers such as individuals’ desire to show gratitude to loved ones.
  • keeping social media branding consistent across all of its ads, which makes it instantly recognizable as potential spa-goers scroll through their feeds.

Similarly, here’s another Facebook ad example below for a med spa that maintains brand consistency throughout the ad.

Facebook ad examples - med spa Facebook ad


Legal and professional services Facebook ad examples

For businesses looking to advertise their legal practice or other types of professional services on Facebook, this ad example can be a source of inspiration.

Facebook ad examples - facebook ad for law practice


The ad above:

Higher education Facebook ad example

When you’re working on your higher education marketing, be sure to refer to this Facebook ad example.

facebook ads example - university facebook ad


This ad:

  • focuses on a specific area of study for a key target market.
  • uses a clear call to action in both the ad text and in the CTA button.

Ecommerce Facebook ad example

For retail and ecommerce businesses, carousel and collection ads can come in handy when you’re trying to promote a catalog of items. However, a single-image ad like the Facebook ad example from Hanalei below can be a fresh alternative when you’re trying to promote a sale.

facebook ad examples - ecommerce and retail ad


The ad:

  • focuses on the unique value of the free bundle.
  • creates a sense of urgency with the exclusive code only for new customers.

Facebook ad example for auto sales

If you’re in the auto industry, this Facebook ad example from Best Car Deals may be just what you need to jumpstart your own ad creation.

facebook ad examples - auto


To break it down, the ad above:

  • uses compelling copy with eye-catching emojis.
  • localizes its approach by mentioning how the auto inventory is in the user’s area.

Facebook ad example for travel and entertainment

Competition on Facebook ads can be fierce for industries like travel and entertainment.

facebook ad examples - travel facebook ad

This Facebook ad example:

  • includes a lot of valuable information that can help sway customers to click the ad.
  • provides an eye-catching image that draws the eye.
  • includes a way for users to directly message the business so they can take advantage of this offer.

Where to find more Facebook ad examples

Looking for more Facebook ad examples that fit your specific business needs? We’ve got you covered.

Facebook ad library

The Facebook ad library (also known as the Meta ad library) should be your go-to spot for finding Facebook ad examples. This free tool allows you to search and view currently active or previously active ads from any advertiser. You can search and filter for results specific to your business. With this tool, you’ll be able to source new Facebook ad ideas, inspiration, and ways to stand out from competitors.

facebook ad examples - facebook ad library

The Facebook feed

There’s no better way to see what Facebook ads are working for other businesses than finding them in the wild on your own feed. Your Facebook feed can show what types of ads might be popular with your audience. Just be sure to keep your Facebook business page active by interacting with related pages and check in on your feed regularly to see popular ads.

Use these Facebook ad examples as inspiration for your own campaigns

No two businesses will have the same exact Facebook ads, nor should they. Each of these Facebook ad examples has unique components that help achieve different goals. Basically, there’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to creating the best Facebook ads for your business. However, you can take lessons from what other successful small businesses are doing to inspire your own. Use these Facebook Ad examples when you need to brainstorm ad ideas on the fly.

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