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  • 24 Niche Market Examples (+How to Find & Market to Your Own Niche)

Niche marketing is a way of specializing in a highly specific product, service, or population to get your business to stand out above the crowd. This can help you to get more customers, not because you meet more needs, but because you meet a special need.

Niche market - image graphic showing a small niche in a pie chart

While there are many benefits of niche marketing, actually finding your niche market can be difficult. Among the different types of customers that you can market to for your business, which one do you pick? How do you find the most profitable fit for your products and services? That’s where niche market examples come in. We’ll be sharing those–along with everything you need to know about niche markets–so you can create a profitable strategy that targets the right audience for your business.

Table of contents

What is a niche market?

A niche market is a subset of a larger market. The niche is defined by a characteristic, or set of characteristics, that differentiate that group from the whole.

There are lots of characteristics that can define a niche market. Just a few include:

  • Geographic
  • Demographic (age, gender)
  • Income or price sensitivity
  • Values or interests

Let’s say you’re a tourism marketer. Your niche markets could be people who love the outdoors, older adventurers, and budget explorers.

You can break niche markets down into infinitely smaller subsets by layering characteristics. For example, you might consider a very niche market to be older LGBTQ travelers who live in New York City but love the outdoors.

What is niche marketing?

Often, people use niche markets and niche marketing interchangeably. But niche marketing simply means marketing to your niche.

Once you know that you’d like to focus on a specific group of people, you’ll want to target your marketing activities to reach them. That’s where niche marketing comes in.

Niche marketing means choosing PPC keywords, ad copywriting, or social media channels that give you the best chance at engaging people with the characteristics of your target niche.

A single product could be marketed to several niches. Have a look at this Facebook ad example for a drink cooler.

niche marketing - facebook ad for a cooler


Notice the scene: a young woman wearing a shady hat lounges in a pool with a cocktail. That same cooler might be used by fishermen, families, chefs, and campers. But this ad is meant to attract people, possibly young adults, who are thinking about casual summer days. Not someone hoping to hook their next big fish. That’s a niche marketing choice this brand made.

Benefits of niche markets

Would you rather sell your product or service to a completely random group of 1,000 people that may or may not be interested in it, or to 100 people that almost certainly would be? The second scenario would take less work. And you’d likely get more sales.

That’s the beauty of niche marketing. You can generate more real leads by reaching out to fewer people if you pick the right niche and tailor your marketing to them.

Compare this cooler ad with our previous example.

niche market - facebook ad for RTIC brand coolers


Everything from the ad copy and photo setting to the models’ choice of drinking vessels speaks to a different experience and, in turn, a different niche.

This brand could have just shown a generic picture of the product against a nondescript background and targeted everyone. But their niche marketing choices probably led them to a lower cost per click because the ad is much more relevant to a niche market.

Examples of niche markets

Are you convinced that it’s time to get your own riches in niches? We’ll talk about how to find your niche market of energetic buyers in a bit. But first, let’s get those creative ideas flowing by reviewing some examples of several small business niche markets:

Law firm niche markets

  • Single dads in Northern California
  • Car accident victims in Phoenix
  • Coal miners with mesothelioma

Personal trainer niches

  • New and expecting mothers in the suburbs
  • Military/police programs candidates
  • Triathletes attempting to qualify for Ironman events

niche market - add for Octane Athletics

This gym caters to a niche market of people seeking endurance training.

Physical therapist niche markets

  • Runners recovering from plantar fasciitis
  • Stroke victims who have lost mobility and motor skills
  • First responders with work-related back injuries

Home repair niches

  • Retirees who need ADA-compliant renovations
  • House flippers in Central Ohio
  • People who live in neighborhoods over 30 years old

Computer security and technology niches

  • Victims of identity theft
  • Parents of teenagers getting their first cell phone
  • Baby boomers learning computer skills

niche marketing - ad for computer repair

This example of a niche market shows a business that caters to teaching baby boomers how to use the computer.

Catering niche markets

  • Parents of kids with an upcoming Bar/Bat Mitzvah
  • Retail employers with more than 10 employees at/around the mall
  • Working moms with school-age children

Dentistry niches

  • Seniors needing restorative dental treatments
  • Middle-aged adults hoping to improve their smile
  • Families with multiple kids needing braces

niche market - ad for cosmetic dentist

This dentist is promoting very specific services, mostly cosmetic, to adults. The niche and targeting are clear.

Education niches

  • Parents in Chicago that would like to get their kids involved in STEM programs
  • High school students preparing for college entrance exams
  • Adults interested in switching industries midway through their careers

niche markets - ad for jet repair school

A company that teaches people to repair jets is a great example of a niche company serving a niche market.

How to find your own niche market in 2023

As every business is unique, there is no right answer for how to find your niche market. In fact, there are several approaches you can take.

Below is a list of 15 sources that can help you in your search for a niche market that aligns with your niche market strategy.

1. Think about what your business offers

Make a list of the core product or service you provide, and then brainstorm variations or highly specific uses for it. If you provide moving services, variations include moving for families, offices, or college students; or short or long-distance moving. Each of these variations could potentially be a niche.

For example, College HUNKS Hauling Junk carved out a niche for themselves in that they started by focusing on, you guessed it, hauling junk. Since growing a loyal following, they’ve expanded their services to include residential and commercial moving and more.

Niche marketing - ad for movers

2. Think about what you value as a customer

Set aside your identity as a business owner and focus solely on yourself as a consumer—of your own service, or just in general. What interests or intrigues you? What do you avoid? What added convenience or benefit do you wish you could have? What do you consider worth paying more money for?

If you find your niche based on something that is of importance to you personally, you will be naturally better at marketing it; and your shared concerns with your audience will enable you to better resonate with them. Finding your niche in something entirely new to you, on the other hand, means that you may be in foreign territory with your marketing methods.

3. Make a list of your strengths

Your strengths are one of the best sources for finding your niche market. If you are a real estate agent and you find that you have your biggest successes with newly married couples, you may have just found your niche market. If you are a dentist and you are particularly good at tooth extractions, you may consider this your niche.

niche market - screenshot of search results for dentist

This dentist focused on their strength in their niche marketing in the form of a PPC ad.

4. Look at your competitors

It’s important for companies to have competitors because they can help your business in many ways—even in your quest to find your niche market. Take a look at their services and see what they are lacking. Monitor customer reviews to find out what additional benefits they desire, or where they feel they are not being served. Find your niche market by filling in the gaps created by your competitors.

5. Learn from your audience

In addition to your competitors’ audience, you can also learn from your own audience. Rather than fishing through reviews, however, you can directly ask your audience questions. Conduct surveys, polls, and interviews, either online or in-person to find out what specific needs or preferences your customers have, or to find out which types of customers are the most satisfied. Collecting data in this manner is a great way to not only find your niche market but to increase social media engagement too.

Whether online or off, asking your audience questions to help you find your niche market will help you to build your business through customer engagement. It will also strengthen your relationship with your customers and build trust by showing that you care about their needs and value their input.

6. Search through reviews

There are many ways to tap into the power of online reviews for improving your business. In terms of finding your niche market, review sites such as Yelp, Google Business Profile, and Bing can help you discover the deeper needs of your customers. These deeper needs can be the material around which you build your niche market.

Don’t forget to look at review sites specific to your industry, such as Angi, TripAdvisor, or Healthgrades, to get an even better idea of your customers’ needs.

7. Look at niche products

If you are a service-based business, you may be able to find your niche market by looking at niche products. For example, an appliance repair business may choose to specialize in eco-friendly dishwashers. An auto repair business could offer services specifically for hybrid vehicles.

8. Think about manufacturers

Another way to find your niche is to focus not on a particular end-user population, but on manufacturers. If you install cabinets, you might find your niche by focusing on cabinet brands that subcontract to installers.

niche market - ad for window blinds

Businesses that work with Hunter Douglas are searchable on their website, playing into their niche marketing.

9. Look at existing groups

People in a particular niche tend to gravitate toward other people in that niche, both online and off. They contribute to online forums, stay active in Facebook groups, join clubs, and attend meetups. Simply looking at what types of communities exist, without even having to delve into these groups, can assist you in finding your niche.

You may also want to look at groups that your broader target audience participates in. Read through their commentary to identify needs, preferences, complaints, and desires that may enable you to find your niche market.

10. Check out social media

Many of the groups listed above exist on social media platforms. However, there is another way that social media can help you to find your niche. Most platforms enable you to look at topics and hashtags that are trending. Sometimes, these trends can be indicators of an up-and-coming niche.

Drones, for example, are a hot topic on social media. A person with the applicable skills could then find their niche market in people who need drone repairs.

Niche markets - List of drone groups

A quick search for “drones” in the Groups section on Facebook brings up many applicable groups.

11. Look at interest lists

With today’s culture and smart technology, websites, and applications that generate content tailored to individual users is very popular. These sites can be related to anything: music, news, books, jobs, and more. The account creation process for these applications asks you to check off or list your interests.

Browsing around on these applications and the interests they list, such as on sites or apps like Mix, Goodreads, and Meetup, can be a great source for finding your niche market.

12. Take a peek at category lists

Another similar way to find your niche market is through the hierarchical category lists often found on websites. Shopping and magazine websites are two particularly good places to find extensive lists of products or topics, with several subcategories beneath them. The subcategories in these lists could all be niches.

niche market - lowes Home Improvement list of categories

A quick look at the Kitchen section on the Lowe’s site can give you ideas for your kitchen repair business.

13. Identify keywords

Keywords are the words and phrases that people type into search engines to find the information they’re looking for. Businesses include frequently searched keywords to make their website more informative and to make their blog stand out.

Keyword research tools such as Google’s Keyword Planner or WordStream’s free keyword tool aren’t just good for search advertising campaigns. You can also use them for finding your niche market by identifying the specific things people in your target audience are searching for. Popular keywords on specific items can provide you with ideas for finding your niche market.

14. Look at autocomplete

Most search engines today have the ability to suggest what you are searching for based on the first one or two words you type. These autocomplete suggestions can provide niche ideas. For example, when you type “landscapers that ….”  into Google’s search box, the autocomplete comes back with the following suggestions:

Niche market - Google autofill for landscaping

  • “Landscapers that do grading”
  • “Landscapers that do drainage”
  • “Landscapers that do sod”

Not only are these niches, but they are also based on popular searches. Autocomplete can help you to find niche markets that serve a popular need.

15. Ask AI

Generative artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT have become exceedingly good at helping to brainstorm ideas. Start by asking what niche markets exist in your industry.

Niche markets - screenshot of ChatGTP response on niche markets

From there you can get creative with your prompts. Ask about niches based on location or demographics. Narrow the answers down by requesting niches that earn the most money or have the largest fan base. Each new iteration will give you new ideas to consider.

Niche marketing in action: 6 examples

Whether it’s a product designed for a very specific population or a slight spin on an existing service, these businesses found their niche, and their niche marketing examples will inspire your next campaign.

1. Step: Financial planning for teens

Niche market - Step Financial TikTok page.


Financial planning isn’t top of mind for most young people, but Step steps in to teach teens about fiscal responsibility. It’s an interesting tactic to find a new niche by overlapping two more common ideas.

Step’s marketing meets their niche market where they hang out, namely TikTok. The brand’s wall is full of educational tidbits aimed at 13 to 17-year-olds. It’s a perfect mix of channel, content, and audience.

2. Autoexec: Office supplies for your car

Niche markets - Autoexec black Friday ad.


From the corner office to an office that corners, AutoExec capitalizes on the work-from-anywhere trend with a line of gear that turns your car into a cubicle. This is the epitome of a niche product designed for a niche market, in this case road warriors and digital nomads.

3. Y2 Yoga: Yoga for older adults

Niche markets - ad for Y2 Yoga


Not every niche marketing example is a big, bold callout to its audience. Here, Y2 Yoga uses models and subtle copy to let their more mature audience know that their classes are welcoming, even if they’ve never done a practice before.

4. Glorious: Gear for gamers

Niche markets: Facebook post from keyboard brand Glorious


Peruse Glorious’ Instagram page and you’ll see a fitting aesthetic. Nearly every image is filled with the expected electronic glow of smartly appointed gaming stations. It’s the kind of niche content that speaks to their very particular audience. The takeaway is to understand what your niche market loves, and give it to them in abundance.

5. Velocity Black: Luxury concierge app

Niche markets - Facebook post from brand Velocity Black


Travel and entertainment are examples of industries with seemingly endless niches. It’s clear by their offerings and marketing that Velocity Black’s niche market is people looking for upscale experiences. Read through their ad copy and social media captions and you’ll see how they smartly target their niche (“brutalist-chic exterior” anyone?).

6. Ruffwear: Adventure gear for dogs

Niche marketing - Ruffwear Facebook post


The pet industry is booming. To stand out among the pack, Ruffwear hyper-targets their niche audience of outdoor-loving pet owners with products and messaging that politely scream “take your pup outside!” This is a great example of success by owning a smaller piece of a larger market.

Niche markets FAQs

When you understand niche markets and niche marketing, you’ll be better prepared to generate leads from an engaged audience. Here are a few answers to help you get your head around niches.

How does niche marketing work?

Niche marketing works by targeting specific segments of a larger audience with highly relevant ads. The personalization and refined targeting of ads leads to generating more leads using less ad budget.

Niche marketing is a targeted form of advertising. Businesses involved in niche marketing promote their services and products to a small subset of people with one or more similar characteristics like interest, location, or demographics.

What are four examples of niche markets?

There are limitless niches you can target, but four growing niche markets are: socially conscious consumers, Millennial investors, retired travelers, and work-from-home parents.

What are niche market products?

Niche market products are products specifically designed with a specific buyer type in mind. For example, a vehicle with third-row seating, built-in entertainment screens, and child safety features is a product designed for a niche market of families with young kids.

Get started with niche marketing

There are many advantages to niche marketing, even more approaches to finding your niche market, and a countless number of niches to find. Depending on your business and your audience, you may find some approaches that work better than others. However, it can’t hurt to try them all out, as your ultimate niche market may be one that you didn’t even know existed!