Molly Maid of NW Ohio

Molly Maid of NW Ohio

With an emphasis on customer service and a quality guarantee, Molly Maid of NW Ohio provides professional cleaning services for homeowners across northwest Ohio.

""I'm very satisfied. My business has grown, and I attribute that to working with this team.""

- Cyrus Connors, Owner, Molly Maid of NW Ohio

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Cyrus Connors, the owner of Molly Maid of NW Ohio, was looking for a way to increase visibility of his franchise location and drive new customers that serves two main territories: One metropolitan area and one more rural area.

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Connors partnered with ReachLocal, part of the USA TODAY NETWORK, for our LOCALiQ solutions included Search Marketing, Targeted Display, and YouTube Ads to increase visibility on search engines and where potential customers are spending their time online.

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Molly Maid of NW Ohio has been a top performer four out of the last five years they’ve been in business, and Connors attributes that to his work with our team and our solutions. He’s seen an increase in visibility of his franchise across the web and enjoys working with our team as they’re willing to test the best tactics to get results for his business.

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