MedKeen Solutions

MedKeen Solutions

MEDKeen Solutions is the provider of choice for innovative practice development with creative growth strategies. They bring a fresh perspective to the challenges of healthcare and help businesses envision — and achieve — a medical practice with unlimited possibilities.

“The results so far have been overwhelming.” Khalilah Filmore, CEO & Founder

title arrow icon Goals

  • Increase website traffic.
  • Drive website visitors.
  • Increase the number of patients.

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The team at MEDKeen Solutions originally started working with LocaliQ to brand and grow their practice, compete with new physicians being recruited by growing physician networks, and expand their practice to include new procedures. Once COVID-19 began driving patients away from hospitals, they turned their focus to promoting telemedicine as a way to continue connecting with patients who didn’t want in-office visits.

title arrow icon Results

MEDKeen Solutions started working with LocaliQ in December 2019, so their marketing was running smoothly once the pandemic started. This allowed them to continue seeing leads from their marketing, including nearly 90 phone calls from qualified leads.

The team at MEDKeen Solutions even had to pause their campaign during COVID-19 after seeing such amazing results due to their marketing that they were fully booked during a time when they thought they wouldn’t have much business.

“Our numbers have skyrocketed. I’m happy with LocaliQ because when COVID-19 happened, I was like please let this [campaign] continue to work out — and it exceeded all of our expectations,” said Khalilah Filmore, CEO & Founder of MEDKeen Solutions.

Watch the video below to hear from Filmore.

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title arrow icon More Success Stories

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Landmark Fine Homes Exceeds Their Business Goals with LocaliQ Digital Solutions
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