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  • Facebook Advertising Benchmarks for 2024 (+Quick Tips to Improve Results!)

Facebook advertising is a go-to marketing channel when you want to raise brand awareness, connect with prospects, and get new customers. But, how do you know you’re maximizing your Facebook ads ROI? Our data in this Facebook benchmarks report has the answer!

facebook ads benchmarks 2024 - overall average summary

In partnership with our friends at WordStream by LocaliQ, we’re sharing Facebook ads benchmarks across 20 industries to help you better understand how your Facebook ads performance compares to averages in your industry. The report includes Facebook ads benchmarks for click-through rate, cost per click, and more.

💡 Want to take this data to go (+get key trends and even more insights)? Download our free Facebook ads benchmarks guide here!

Table of contents

Facebook ads benchmarks: Traffic campaigns

Facebook advertising optimizes your campaigns against an ad objective. Your chosen ad objective for each campaign helps Facebook know how to best serve your ads to reach specific goals.

When you want to drive clicks from your Facebook ads to your landing page, app, or event, you’d use the traffic objective. Many small businesses favor traffic campaigns since they increase the chances of getting more website visitors, and more importantly, potential customers!

facebook ads benchmarks 2024 - traffic campaigns

Business Category Avg. CPC Avg. CTR
Animals & Pets $0.58 1.87%
Apparel / Fashion & Jewelry $1.07 1.14%
Arts & Entertainment $0.43 2.59%
Attorneys & Legal Services $1.09 0.99%
Automotive — For Sale $0.79 1.02%
Automotive — Repair, Service & Parts $0.96 1.10%
Beauty & Personal Care $0.94 1.51%
Business Services $0.84 1.16%
Career & Employment $0.67 1.41%
Dentists & Dental Services $1.07 0.88%
Education & Instruction $0.77 1.21%
Finance & Insurance $1.05 0.85%
Furniture $1.06 1.21%
Health & Fitness $0.81 1.61%
Home & Home Improvement $0.88 1.26%
Industrial & Commercial $0.77 0.99%
Personal Services $0.81 1.37%
Physicians & Surgeons $0.96 1.07%
Real Estate $0.65 2.60%
Restaurants & Food $0.51 2.19%
Shopping, Collectibles & Gifts $0.68 1.67%
Sports & Recreation $0.72 1.27%
Travel $0.42 2.20%

Note: Because this campaign objective focuses on driving traffic, it often results in higher cost per lead and conversion rates. Concentrating on the most relevant metrics for your advertisement objective is essential, which is why we’ve left out those particular metrics.

Average click-through rate

CTR or click-through rate measures how frequently users click on your ad. CTR is a good indicator of how click-worthy your ad is and can help you determine the quality of your Facebook ad content.

The average click-through rate in Facebook ads for traffic campaigns across all industries is 1.57%, which is up from last year’s overall average of 1.51%.
facebook ads benchmarks 2024 - traffic campaign chart average ctr

Business Category Avg. CTR
Animals & Pets 1.87%
Apparel / Fashion & Jewelry 1.14%
Arts & Entertainment 2.59%
Attorneys & Legal Services 0.99%
Automotive — For Sale 1.02%
Automotive — Repair, Service & Parts 1.10%
Beauty & Personal Care 1.51%
Business Services 1.16%
Career & Employment 1.41%
Dentists & Dental Services 0.88%
Education & Instruction 1.21%
Finance & Insurance 0.85%
Furniture 1.21%
Health & Fitness 1.61%
Home & Home Improvement 1.26%
Industrial & Commercial 0.99%
Personal Services 1.37%
Physicians & Surgeons 1.07%
Real Estate 2.60%
Restaurants & Food 2.19%
Shopping, Collectibles & Gifts 1.67%
Sports & Recreation 1.27%
Travel 2.20%

The industries with the highest CTR were Real Estate at 2.60%, Arts and Entertainment at 2.59%, and Travel at 2.20%.

The industries with lower average CTR were Dentists and Dental Services at 0.88%, Attorneys and Legal Services as well as Industrial and Commercial at 0.99%.

Since Facebook ads are so visually driven, it makes sense that industries that can offer more creative ads tend to see higher click-through rates.

“CTRs differ strongly between different business types across Facebook, even more so than on Google Ads. Successful Facebook ads require impressive, visual proof to attract attention from the scrolling audience—and that's why you see some of the best Facebook ads CTRs from those industries that can wow us with the promise of a good time, like Travel, Arts & Entertainment, and Sports,” said Mark Irvine, Director of Paid Media at Search Labs.

🔏 Unlock more secrets to a higher click-through rate now!

Average cost per click

Cost per click or CPC tells you how much you're paying for each click on your Facebook ad. It’s calculated by dividing your total spend by your total number of clicks. Maintaining a lower average CPC on a traffic campaign is something most businesses strive for since it proves you’re driving website visitors at an overall cheaper cost.

The average cost per click in Facebook ads for traffic campaigns across all industries is $0.77—down from last year’s average of $0.83.

facebook ads benchmarks 2024 - traffic campaign cpc

Business Category Avg. CPC
Animals & Pets  $0.58
Apparel / Fashion & Jewelry  $1.07
Arts & Entertainment  $0.43
Attorneys & Legal Services  $1.09
Automotive — For Sale  $0.79
Automotive — Repair, Service & Parts  $0.96
Beauty & Personal Care  $0.94
Business Services  $0.84
Career & Employment  $0.67
Dentists & Dental Services  $1.07
Education & Instruction  $0.77
Finance & Insurance  $1.05
Furniture  $1.06
Health & Fitness  $0.81
Home & Home Improvement  $0.88
Industrial & Commercial  $0.77
Personal Services  $0.81
Physicians & Surgeons  $0.96
Real Estate  $0.65
Restaurants & Food  $0.51
Shopping, Collectibles & Gifts  $0.68
Sports & Recreation  $0.72
Travel  $0.42

The industries that saw the lowest cost per click were Travel at $0.42, Arts and Entertainment at $0.43, and Restaurants and Food at $0.72.

The industries that saw higher-than-average costs per click were Furniture at $1.06, Dentists and Dental Services as well as Apparel, Fashion and Jewelry at $1.07, and Attorneys and Legal Services with $1.09. These industries typically have a higher lifetime average customer cost, so it makes sense that their advertising costs would be more than a restaurant or entertainment venue.

“The biggest trend I am seeing with this Facebook ads CPC data is that consumer demand remains strong despite the uncertain economy. Cost per click is well within range of what we’ve been quoting advertisers for years now, while click-through rate also remains strong,” said Tyler Mask, Senior Manager of Social Advertising and Custom Solutions at LocaliQ.

Facebook ads Benchmarks: Leads campaigns

Facebook ad campaigns using the leads objective are optimized to drive leads. This can be done through actions such as form fills, messages, calls, and conversions.

Leads objective campaigns use Facebook Lead Ads. The unique format of Facebook Lead Ads includes a prompt directly within the ad to collect a lead. That way, users can provide your business with their information without having to navigate away from the Facebook platform.

We added conversion rate and cost per lead to these benchmarks because this objective is primarily used for increasing leads and conversions.
2024 facebook ads benchmarks - leads campaign chart all overall

Business Category Avg. CPC Avg. CPL Avg. CTR Avg. CVR
Attorneys & Legal Services $8.50  $104.58 1.61% 7.57%
Automotive -- Repair, Service & Parts $3.82  $81.45 1.08% 4.86%
Beauty & Personal Care $2.44  $42.10 2.26% 5.93%
Business Services $1.52  $16.95 2.70% 8.34%
Dentists & Dental Services $4.10  $32.46 1.54% 9.83%
Education & Instruction $2.03  $31.82 2.32% 8.49%
Finance & Insurance $4.57  $38.09 1.84% 5.98%
Furniture $2.10  $39.25 2.36% 6.11%
Health & Fitness $3.29  $57.40 1.46% 5.78%
Home & Home Improvement $2.18  $24.29 1.78% 8.87%
Industrial & Commercial $2.77  $24.53 1.48% 12.03%
Personal Services (Weddings, Cleaners, etc.) $1.93  $20.49 2.56% 9.19%
Physicians & Surgeons $2.83  $57.97 2.43% 4.81%
Real Estate $1.36  $13.87 3.71% 9.70%
Sports & Recreation $1.20  $14.59 3.74% 8.87%

Average click-through rate

While Facebook lead ads don’t necessarily require users to click to your business’s website, they still have to click on your ad to become a lead. The option to click on your website also is still included in the ad. Prioritizing a higher click-through rate for your Facebook lead ads is key to attracting users to take action with your business.

The average click-through rate in Facebook ads for leads campaigns across all industries is 2.53%, which is slightly higher than last year’s overall average of 2.50%.
facebook ads benchmarks 2024 - average ctr chart leads campaigns

Business Category Avg. CTR
Attorneys & Legal Services 1.61%
Automotive — Repair, Service & Parts 1.08%
Beauty & Personal Care 2.26%
Business Services 2.70%
Dentists & Dental Services 1.54%
Education & Instruction 2.32%
Finance & Insurance 1.84%
Furniture 2.36%
Health & Fitness 1.46%
Home & Home Improvement 1.78%
Industrial & Commercial 1.48%
Personal Services 2.56%
Physicians & Surgeons 2.43%
Real Estate 3.71%
Sports & Recreation 3.74%

The industries that saw the best CTRs on their Facebook ads running with the leads objective were Sports and Recreation at 3.74%, Real Estate at 3.71%, and Personal Services at 2.56%.

The industries with the lowest CTRs were Industrial and Commercial at 1.48%, Health and Fitness at 1.46%, and Automotive – Repair, Service and Parts at 1.08%.

Average cost per click

Each click from your Facebook lead ads costs you money, so trying to maintain the lowest average CPC possible is a no-brainer. However, you’ll also want to factor in your lead quality when looking at your CPC. You ultimately want to turn your leads into customers, so a higher quality lead may end up being worth a higher CPC.

The average cost per click in Facebook ads for the leads campaign objective across all industries is $1.88—a bit lower than last year’s average of $1.92.
facebook ads benchmarks - cost per click chart leads campaigns

Business Category Avg. CPC
Attorneys & Legal Services  $8.50
Automotive — Repair, Service & Parts  $3.82
Beauty & Personal Care  $2.44
Business Services  $1.52
Dentists & Dental Services  $4.10
Education & Instruction  $2.03
Finance & Insurance  $4.57
Furniture  $2.10
Health & Fitness  $3.29
Home & Home Improvement  $2.18
Industrial & Commercial  $2.77
Personal Services  $1.93
Physicians & Surgeons  $2.83
Real Estate  $1.36
Sports & Recreation  $1.20

The industries with the lowest CPCs were Arts and Entertainment at $1.20, Real Estate at $1.36, and Business Services at $1.52.

The industries that saw the highest CPCs for the leads objective were Attorneys and Legal Services at $8.50, Finance and Insurance at $4.57, and Dentists and Dental Services at $4.10.

When you compare average CTR and CPCs between the two objectives, you’ll find that CTR for lead gen campaigns are trending higher than that of the traffic objective. This may indicate that, while costs for lead gen clicks are higher, Facebook is likely targeting users that are actually a better fit for businesses (on average) than the traffic objective.

Average conversion rate

Conversion rate indicates how frequently your Facebook ads are turning clicks into leads. You can find out your conversion rate by dividing your total number of leads by your total number of clicks. Of course, a high conversion rate signals that your Facebook ad is compelling enough to convince potential customers to take the next step and become a lead with your business.  If you find you have a lower conversion rate on average, you may need to rethink your ad targeting, copy, or landing page.

The average conversion rate in Facebook ads for leads campaigns across industries is 8.78%, which is higher than last year’s average of 8.25%.
facebook ads benchmarks 2024 - conversion rate chart

Business Category CVR
Attorneys & Legal Services 7.57%
Automotive — Repair, Service & Parts 4.86%
Beauty & Personal Care 5.93%
Business Services 8.34%
Dentists & Dental Services 9.83%
Education & Instruction 8.49%
Finance & Insurance 5.98%
Furniture 6.11%
Health & Fitness 5.78%
Home & Home Improvement 8.87%
Industrial & Commercial 12.03%
Personal Services 9.19%
Physicians & Surgeons 4.81%
Real Estate 9.70%
Sports & Recreation 8.87%

The industries with the highest CVRs for Facebook ads running the leads objective were Industrial and Commercial at 12.03%, Dentists and Dental 9.83%, and Real Estate at 9.70%.

The industries that saw lower-than-average conversion rates were Restaurants and Food at 4.03%, Physicians and Surgeons at 4.81%, and Automotive Repair, Service and Parts at 4.86%.

Facebook ads conversion rates are heavily reliant on your ad quality. Taking a bit more time to effectively map out your messaging and creative can make all the difference in your conversion rates.

Average cost per lead

Similar to clicks, securing a new lead from Facebook ads also costs your business money—which is known as your cost per lead. Cost per lead is calculated by dividing your total spend by your total number of conversions.

The average cost per lead in Facebook ads for the leads objective across industries is $21.98—an improvement on last year’s average of $23.10.

facebook ads benchmarks 2024 - cost per lead

Business Category Avg. CPL
Attorneys & Legal Services  $104.58
Automotive — Repair, Service & Parts  $81.45
Beauty & Personal Care  $42.10
Business Services  $16.95
Dentists & Dental Services  $32.46
Education & Instruction  $31.82
Finance & Insurance  $38.09
Furniture  $39.25
Health & Fitness  $57.40
Home & Home Improvement  $24.29
Industrial & Commercial  $24.53
Personal Services  $20.49
Physicians & Surgeons  $57.97
Real Estate  $13.87
Sports & Recreation  $14.59

The industries with the highest Facebook ads leads campaign costs per lead were Attorneys and Legal Services at $104.58, Automotive Repair, Services, and Parts at $81.45, and Physicians and Surgeons at $57.97.

The industries with the lowest cost per lead for Facebook ads leads campaigns were Real Estate at $13.87, Sports and Recreation at $14.59, and Business Services at $16.95.

6 Facebook ads tips

If your Facebook ads are not converting or driving traffic as much as they should when compared to industry averages, you’re not alone. There’s always room to improve—especially by following these Facebook ads tips and best practices that can enhance your performance:

1. A/B test CTA buttons

A powerful call to action can entice users to click on your Facebook ad—increasing your click-through rate. Luckily, Facebook gives you plenty of options to play around with when it comes to choosing an effective CTA button for your ad. Your best bet is to A/B test a few different CTA buttons to see what works.

facebook ads benchmarks - example of facebook ad cta button options

2. Perfect your lead ad form fields

You may need to test to see what form style works best to maximize both lead quality and quantity. For example, this year Meta announced that it added conditional logic to the Facebook lead generation form setup. Leveraging conditional logic in your forms can help you pre-qualify your leads.

facebook ads benchmarks - example of facebook ad lead form

An example of conditional logic settings within a Facebook Lead Ad.

3. Pay attention to the right metrics

Beyond what was covered in this report, there are tons of other social media metrics that can indicate Facebook advertising success for your business. Find a measurement and reporting method tailored to your needs and stick with it. For example, metrics like CTR may not always be the “end all be all” Facebook ads KPI for your business.

4. Get strategic with your audience

You may want to target different Facebook audiences for different objectives. For example, you may target a Facebook lookalike audience with a traffic objective, so you can educate a new crop of potential customers about who you are and what you do.

Alternatively, you may target a specific email list or retarget users while using the lead gen objective. That’s because these audiences are already aware of your business and may be more likely to convert.

On the other hand, you may go for a more general, broader audience based on Facebook’s behavior and interest targeting options. A larger reach has been found to lower your overall cost per thousand impressions (CPM), since you’re casting a wider net.

Facebook ads audience size indicator on the right-hand side of your screen during the ad set buildout level can help you know if your target market size is just right.

facebook ads benchmarks - example of facebook ads audience size indicator


5. Evaluate all your campaign objective options

If you have experience with search ads, you can think of your Facebook campaign objectives like how you would your Google or Microsoft campaign goals and bidding strategies. Campaign objectives impact how Facebook serves your ads, so you may want to test out a few. That way, you can see which ones serve your ads the most efficiently. In short, don’t be married to one campaign objective.

One of the best perks Facebook offers to advertisers is that there are tons of campaign objectives to choose from. Keep an open mind for all the potential campaign objectives you may want to try.

Here's a breakdown of the Facebook ads campaign objectives you can choose from:

  • Leads
  • Traffic
  • Awareness
  • Engagement
  • App promotion
  • Sales

facebook ads benchmarks - facebook campaign objectives

6. Incorporate other channels into your strategy

Your Facebook ads should play a role in a larger marketing plan that rounds out your business’s advertising strategy. To start, be sure to regularly share organic posts to Facebook to fill any gaps in your paid Facebook ad performance.

You’ll likely want to also leverage other social media platforms, as well as channels like SEO and search ads, to supplement your Facebook Ads.

For example, your audience members are probably using TikTok and Snapchat in addition to Facebook or Instagram. You could promote your business across these platforms to grow your overall social presence. Many marketing channels provide similar benefits to businesses, so it’s best to use as many as possible in tandem for a holistic marketing approach.

A cross-channel marketing approach that includes social and search ads, as well as other channels, helps you reach your audience regardless of where they are online. However, juggling all those channels can be a challenge. Luckily, there are plenty of tools and solutions available that can help you manage your campaigns across channels.

"LocaliQ's cross-media optimization (XMO) technology simplifies this approach by leveraging AI and automation to optimize your campaigns across channels based on what's driving the best performance to your business's goals—and your budget.” said Stephanie Asrymbetov, Director of Product at LocaliQ.

🌱 Promote your business across channels with our easy-to-use growth strategy template.

What these Facebook ads benchmarks mean for your business

You can gauge how your business compares to the competition in your industry by tracking your Facebook ads performance against these industry benchmarks. This can be especially helpful when you don’t have a ton of data or you’re unsure of how to best measure your Facebook ads marketing ROI.

Keep in mind, though, that every business is unique. No two Facebook ad accounts are the same. So, be sure to align your advertising expectations with what’s achievable for your business. That said, if you tried our suggested tips above and still find your business’s performance isn’t up to the industry standards outlined here, that’s okay! See how our solutions can help you improve your Facebook ads strategy.

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