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  • Spring Trends to Spruce Up Your Home Services Marketing (+17 Ideas to Try)

Ah, spring. Along with days that are a little longer and the sun shining a little brighter, this season is also bringing a bit of renewed hope that we’ll be returning to pre-pandemic life before too long.

After a year spent inside, there are a lot of opportunities to make our homes and outdoor spaces even more relaxing, functional, and safe.

spring home services marketing ideas - localiq - feature

That’s where home service businesses come in. Spring often brings about the need to clean and declutter, take stock of repairs that need to be made, and prepare for the upcoming warmer – and stormier – months ahead.

So, based on this seasonal swing, we’re sharing what’s top of mind for your customers this season to help you spruce up your home services marketing and take advantage of new opportunities.

1. People are ready for spring cleaning

This is pretty obvious, but the first thing many of us think about come spring is Spring Cleaning – so what better time for home service businesses like home cleaning services, interior designers, and renovators to take advantage.

Here are some ideas to take advantage of this trend in your marketing this season:

Create a Cleaning Checklist

To position your business as a resource and to remind your customers, fans, and followers that it’s time to get to cleaning, your home service business can create a branded cleaning checklist that you can share with your customers and prospects via email marketing, social media, and as a free download on your website to generate leads.

spring home services marketing - spring cleaning checklist

Related: Get more cleaning services advertising ideas here. 

Partner with a Donation Center

When it comes to my spring-cleaning ritual, my first step is usually cleaning out my closet, leaving me with an excess of clothes, shoes, purses, and more that need a new home.

Your home service business could use this opportunity to partner with a local organization that takes clothing and home donations or a local donation center to encourage people to donate their items for a good cause. You might even consider offering a special discount for those who donate. And, if you already visit customers at their homes, you could have your employees collect the donations.

This partnership can benefit both you and a local organization – you’re driving donations for them while building trust with customers and showing how you support your community.

Offer a Spring-Cleaning Discount

Everybody loves a good discount – so consider offering a spring cleaning discount to your customers and new customers. Here are some ideas:

  • A percent off a service.
  • A future-use coupon if they schedule a spring service.
  • An add-on service at no additional charge.

spring home services marketing ideas - spring cleaning discount

Think about what will entice customers to use your business this season and put together an offer they can’t resist!

Post Cleaning Tips on Social Media

While spring cleaning is on the brain, it’s a great time to share your best tips and tricks on social media. You could interview your employees to ask how they spring clean, highlight the best products you’ve found to disinfect various areas, and show how to safely clean out forgotten spaces like behind a dryer or in an air duct.

spring home services marketing tips - share spring cleaning tips on social media

Don’t forget to use hashtags like #springcleaning and #springcleaningtips to drive more engagement with your posts!

Show Off Your Work

People love to look at pretty pictures, especially on social media, and we all love a good before and after picture.

The spring season is the perfect time to showcase your work – whether it’s a recent kitchen remodel, beautiful landscaping work, a new pool, or even just before and after of an air filter!

Make sure your spring social media game is freshened up so you can engage your audience this season and beyond.

Share Your Best Organization Hacks

While you’re sharing home cleaning tips, you can also share your best organization tips. Plumbers can share their best bathroom organization tips, yard care businesses can share their best garage organization tips, and HVAC companies can share their best at-home organization tips.

spring home services marketing tips - share organization tips

There are opportunities for all home service businesses to get in on the action and share how to make a springtime home feel clean and organized throughout.

2. More people are growing and caring for indoor and outdoor plants

Spending more time at home and inside has made people spend more time cultivating their green thumbs. So-called “plant parents” share their “plant babies” on social media and Google Trends shows top results related to plants include both “indoor plants” and “house plants.”

spring home services marketing tips - plants google trends

So, this is a great marketing opportunity for home service businesses to share information, specials, and more related to plant care, gardening, and what’s in season.

Here are some home services marketing tips related to plants and flowers.

Hold a (Virtual) Plant Care Class

As someone who would love to have house plants but also can’t even keep a succulent alive, I would love for a local home service business to offer a virtual plant care class. This would be a perfect idea for a yard care company but could be extended to almost any home service business.

You can create and host Zoom workshops to share your best plant care tips with those who register. Or you can make it even simpler and “host” your class on Instagram Live or Facebook Live – that way anyone can attend or view your tutorial whenever they’re free.

This home service marketing idea can help you build a community with your customers and remind them of your expertise in the industry.

Share Your Best Plant Care Tips

If you can’t hold a virtual plant care class, the next best thing is sharing your best plant care tips on social media, in your content marketing, and in your email marketing.

Create tips for indoor and outdoor plants, the best way to keep them alive, and any special tricks you might know.

By educating your customers in this way, you can build a connection with them and position your business as a trusted resource they might turn to when they need help around their home.

Share What’s in Season

Many gardening beginners are unsure what’s in season and the best way to grow their plants. As an expert, you know all the tricks and tips that can help them keep their garden blossoming or identity the right flowers to plant in their yards.

spring home service marketing tips - share what's in season

Image Source

Share your insights on social media or on your company blog to let people know the best flowers, vegetables, and foliage to plant during the spring and upcoming summer months.

3. Allergies are blowing through

Allergies are pretty much the worst anytime, but when your allergy symptoms may mimic a virus that you’re trying to avoid by keeping your home sanitized and safe, it’s more important than ever to limit allergens in your home.

spring home services marketing ideas - allergies

Based on this trend, use these home services spring marketing ideas to connect with your customers.

Share Allergy Tips

Home service businesses – especially HVAC specialists and mold remediators – have a lot of knowledge about how to protect your home from allergens. A mold inspector once told me that a major cause for indoor mold spores is not washing the dog’s bed enough – a fact I never thought about before!

So, your spring home services marketing can include allergy tips that you share on social media, on your website, or in email marketing messages to keep your customers and prospects informed.

Offer Sanitizing Discounts

We’re still in the midst of a pandemic, which means that a good allergy-clearing clean that works to sanitize our homes is a welcome service this season.

spring home services marketing - sanitizing discount

Offer special discounts for cleaning and sanitizing for your customers. This can work for cleaning services, HVAC, and other related industries to get more customers and bring back repeat ones.

Educate Customers on the Best Allergy-Friendly Products to Use

As someone who’s extremely sensitive to smells and cleaning supplies, I do a lot of research about allergy-friendly cleaning products to use in my home. And, I’m not alone. A quick Google search for this term shows nearly 25 million relevant results!

spring home services marketing ideas - allergy friendly products

Consumers are more and more interested in what’s in their cleaning products – and as a home service business, you’re uniquely positioned to share your expertise in this area.

4. People are ready to (safely) visit friends and family

The CDC recently announced that fully-vaccinated adults can gather safely inside – sans mask. So, as more and more people are vaccinated, household gatherings and family visits will likely resume.

This means people may be feeling a little self-conscious about their homes and will be more than ready to give it a little update – from their exterior landscaping to their paint choices to their entertainment systems. Not to mention the need to make sure their air conditioning and plumbing are in tip-top shape for potential visitors!

Here are some marketing ideas for your home service business to help people ready their homes for visits and gatherings.

Highlight Spring Home Trends

People love to keep up with the latest trends – especially when it comes to their homes. Share top paint colors, landscaping trends, and home design trends either that you’re seeing or that you find trending online.

spring home services marketing - spring home trends

Then, you can share how people can replicate these trends through DIY projects or work with a professional (like your business!) to help.

Share Ideas for Gatherings & Parties

Take to social media and your blog to share ideas for spring gatherings. You could share party ideas, patio party games, and spring treats or refreshments to make when visitors come over.

You might even consider asking your fans and followers on social media to share their best tips, and you can compile them into a blog or as part of an email to your subscribers.

Hold a Spring Social Media Contest

If you offer a service that might make home gatherings easier, you can hold an Instagram giveaway or Facebook contest and give your service as a prize. This could be a plumbing inspection, a cleaning service, or an organizing session.

spring home services marketing ideas - social media contest

Ask your customers and prospects to follow you on social media, tag you in a picture, or tag their friends in a picture you post to generate engagement and drive awareness for your business. You can even use some spring marketing slogans in your posts to make them pop!

5. Spring storms are rolling in

We all know the saying: “April showers bring May flowers.” But those April showers can oftentimes bring about damage as well.

Use these home services marketing tips to educate your customers about spring storms.

Share Helpful Content About Protecting Your Property from Storms

Home service businesses can share educational content in the form of social media posts, videos, emails, or blog posts about the best ways to protect your home from a bad storm. This can include flood prevention, how to protect your plants, and what precautions to take before (or after) a bad storm rolls in.

Customers and prospects appreciate this type of information – especially from the experts!

Make it Easy to Contact You After Storms

If a bad storm does hit your area, make sure your customers can easily find you online and contact you. You may consider some proactive outreach as well through your digital marketing to let customers know you’re ready to help – and even include a small discount or free estimate.

spring home services marketing - after storm

Spruce Up Your Spring Home Services Marketing

By keeping up with the latest trends, you can keep your home services advertising and marketing on track to reach and engage with the right customers when they need your services. Incorporate these tips and ideas into your marketing plan this season and watch a new crop of customers blossom.