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  • 15 Veterans Day Post Ideas & Social Media Images [Free Templates]

Memorial Day, Labor Day, and Indigenous People’s Day may have all passed, but we still have one more observance your business can take advantage of before the rush of winter holidays: Veterans Day!

veterans day post - meme of cat

No, no, not Veterinarian’s Day (which is July 9), we meant Veterans Day!

Veterans Day occurs annually on November 11 to honor and commemorate all military veterans who served in the U.S. armed forces. On top of that, it can also be a great opportunity to connect with your customers on social media as you showcase business’s support for the men and women who’ve served our country.

How do you grow your business on social media while also celebrating Veterans Day the right way? We’re so glad you asked. Today, we’re going to cover everything you need for a Veterans Day post that memorializes veterans while also growing your business. Plus, you’ll get to walk away with free Veterans Day image templates to bring your social posts to life for this noble holiday. Let’s get started!

4 quick Veterans Day post tips

Before we jump into our Veterans Day post ideas, here are some key social media tips to keep in mind when observing this holiday across your chosen social platforms:

1. Use relevant Veterans Day images or videos

How do you make your Veterans Day posts stand out from your typical social media content? Make it Veterans Day-themed, of course! There are tons of different ways you can include elements of the holiday in your social media images and videos. You could choose a patriotic photo, a traditional song as background music, or add touches of red, white, blue, or camouflage colors, and more. The point here is that you have plenty of room to get creative with your Veterans Day images and videos to make them pop.

If you’re struggling to come up with unique Veterans Day images or videos, try playing around in a platform like Canva to ger ideas. In fact, we have the following templates ready for your business to get started with:

veterans day images - veterans day social media image template preview

Get the templates: [Instagram] [Facebook] [Twitter/X] [LinkedIn]

2. Connect back to your social media goals

While you want to be mindful of the meaning behind the holiday, your Veterans Day posts ultimately have to also benefit your business. Check back in on your social media goals to see how you can align your Veterans Day posts to have a purpose behind them.

For example, if you’re looking to increase engagement, you might aim to have your Veterans Day post to drive more comments. With that in mind, you could craft a caption that asks your followers to respond to a question in the comments.

💡 Find more seasonal marketing ideas that can help you achieve your goals year-round with our free marketing calendar guide!

3. Be creative with hashtags and emojis…

A good social media post has eye-catching elements like hashtags or emojis to help it stand out on busy news feeds.

Social media is an emoji-friendly space and your business could be seen as more relatable if you’re using emojis just like your followers would. For Veterans Day, you could try a heart or flag emoji to start.

Alternatively, if you want your organic Veterans Day social media post to get found by a wider audience, hashtags can help since users can search for content by hashtag. Here are a few example Veterans Day hashtags you could include in your post captions:

  • #veteransday
  • #happyveteransday
  • #thankaveteran
  • #thankyouveterans
  • #veteranappreciationday
  • #honorandremember
  • #landofthefree
  • #freedom
  • #usa
  • #homeofthebrave

veterans day posts - linkedin hashtag example

An example of a LinkedIn post that uses Veterans Day hashtags.

4. …but also be mindful

Although it’s important for your Veterans Day post to help convert followers into customers, you need to prioritize protecting the meaning behind the day. Try not to come off as too “salesy” in your Veterans Day posts to be respectful of Veterans who dedicated their lives to serving our country!

Veterans Day post ideas

Ready to create a Veterans Day post that does the day justice? Check out these ideas:

1. Post a Veterans Day thank you

A go-to post for businesses during this holiday is a short and sweet Veterans Day thank you. Simply create a post that thanks all veterans for their service. This will show your followers you truly care about the purpose of the holiday.

Plus, a Veterans Day thank you will make any veteran followers, customers, and employees of your business feel appreciated. The best part of this Veterans Day post idea? It’s super quick and easy to create, so there’s no reason not to post a Veterans Day thank you!

veterans day posts - small business thanking veterans on instagram


2. Use Veterans Day quotes

If you struggle to come up with your own unique content for Veterans Day, try framing your social media posts around inspirational quotes or songs about veterans. For example, you could choose to post an empowering Veterans Day image and overlay the quote text on top in a photo editor. Here are some Veterans Day quotes to get you started:

  • “With freedom comes responsibility.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “Freedom is never free” -Unknown
  • “How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our Heroes and She-roes!” -Maya Angelou
  • “A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom.” -Bob Dylan
  • “We don’t know them all, but we owe them all.” -Unkown

3. Share an inspiring story

Everyone has likely been touched by an amazing veteran story at some point in their lives. For example, you or someone within your business might be connected to a veteran or be a veteran themselves. With that comes triumphant stories of being in the military.

Try to track down a veteran story that speaks to you and (with permission if it’s from someone you know, of course) share that with your followers. This Veterans Day post idea is sure to get lots of engagement as your followers will likely react and comment back regarding the story.

4. Give back to veterans in need

Use the holiday as an opportunity to donate or volunteer your time to local Veteran organizations—just be sure to take a couple of photos and videos to share with your social media followers. That way, you can inspire others to do the same good deeds in honor of Veterans Day.

veterans day post - example of posting about volunteer work on facebook for veterans day


5. Host a Veterans Day event

If you have a strong brand community, try hosting a virtual or in-person Veterans Day event. For example, you could hold a memorial ceremony to honor Veterans from your business’s community. Another idea would be to hold a family fun event full of activities for Veterans Day, like Veterans Day trivia or card-making for veterans.

Regardless of which type of event your business chooses to host, you can create plenty of buzz on social media surrounding the festivities. For example, share a few posts before the event to invite your followers to RSVP and get plenty of footage of the event as it happens to share during or after as a recap.

veterans day posts - example veterans day event promotion


6. Plug Veterans Day community events

If hosting your own event for Veterans Day social media content isn’t your thing, you could instead lean into community events to achieve the same results. Whether you choose to sponsor, volunteer at, or simply attend a community event, you can make noise about the happenings across your social media pages.

veterans day posts - example of community event for veterans day being promoted on instagram


7. Choose not to post

For certain holidays, like Veterans Day, it can sometimes be viewed as inappropriate or insensitive to post on social media. If you feel like posting on Veterans Day may not align with your business’s branding, that’s okay! Let your followers know beforehand that your account will be taking a break for the day to take time to reflect on the sacrifices made by men and women of the armed forces.

8. Share company updates

Just like how you might update your local listings for certain holidays, you can treat your social media profiles in the same manner. For example, if your operating hours change during the Veterans Day holiday, be sure to share a post or two so that any potential customers are aware.

🤔 Are all your local listings ready for Veterans Day? Find out with our free Listings Grader.

9. Highlight a veteran employee or community member

Do you know a veteran from your business’s community willing to share their story? Alternatively, perhaps you have a superstar employee who is also a veteran? Show them off to your followers by posting a photo of them with a few words about what makes them great.

veterans day posts - business tagging veteran employees on linkedin


10. Create a patriotic playlist

You can connect with your audience on Veterans Day through music! Simply create a shareable playlist of patriotic songs that speak to you via a public streaming platform such as Spotify or Pandora. Once your playlist is set up with your business logo or name included on it, you can share it with your followers encouraging them to listen along with you.

You could even ask them to comment back with what songs they listen to on Veterans Day to increase your post’s activity. As a bonus, you could play the playlist in your store or office that day and share any live footage of you or your employees tuning in.

veterans day posts - example veterans day playlist

11. Boost engagement with Veterans Day trivia

It’s no secret that getting your followers to like, comment on, or repost your content is a way to hack your organic social media growth. This Veterans Day post idea helps you do just that as you can host a fun Veterans Day trivia contest on your social pages that your followers could interact with.

Whether you post your questions and ask for responses in the comments, or try features like Instagram Polls, this idea is guaranteed to generate results. For a trivia contest that really takes off, try sweetening the pot with a small prize for the winner, like a gift card, coupon, or free consultation.

12. Repost Veterans Day content that speaks to you

This Veterans post idea is perfect for the busy business owner because it takes the burden of creating fresh content off your plate. Not only that but did you know resharing content from others is actually a social media best practice? The 4-1-1 rule of social media states that for every four “salesy” or “self-serving” posts you share, you should also share one piece of “educational” or “entertaining” content, as well as a repost from another creator.

Try searching around for an inspiring or fun Veterans Day post that speaks to you and share it with your social media audience.

veterans day posts - example of reposted veterans day content on linkedin


13. Promote a Veterans Day sale

A classic go-to for any social media holiday promotion is a sale. If a Veterans Day sale aligns with your business, be sure to make your followers aware of the deals that await them. It could be a simple Veterans Day sale post that promotes lower prices, or you could try a carousel post to showcase multiple discounted items, and more!

veterans day sale social post promotion


14. Run a Veterans Day contest or sweepstakes

A contest or giveaway on Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms is a surefire way to attract plenty of potential customers to your business. Luckily, a holiday like Veterans Day is the perfect excuse to run a short-term contest or sweepstakes since you can theme your promotions, or even the prize, around the holiday.

veterans day social media post giveaway example


15. Partner with a complementary small business

For this final Veterans Day post idea, you’ll need to “phone a friend,” or another business, that is! Scope out other growing businesses in industries complementary to your own that could benefit from a Veterans Day partnership on social media. For Veterans Day, you could cross-promote one another’s holiday offerings.

Veterans Day images to use on social media

Ready to put these post ideas into practice? Use these Veterans Day image templates to help you get started!

veterans day images - veterans day social media image template preview

Get the templates: [Instagram] [Facebook] [Twitter/X] [LinkedIn]

Give your pages a dose of patriotism with a Veterans Day post

Is posting for Veterans Day an absolute must for every business out there? Not necessarily. However, it can be extremely beneficial to connect with your potential customers over relevant topics such as the holidays

To recap, here are all our Veterans Day post ideas:

  1. Post a Veterans Day thank you
  2. Use Veterans Day quotes
  3. Share an inspiring story
  4. Give back to veterans in need
  5. Host a Veterans Day event
  6. Plug Veterans Day community events
  7. Choose not to post
  8. Share company updates
  9. Highlight a veteran employee or community member
  10. Create a patriotic playlist
  11. Boost engagement with Veterans Day trivia
  12. Repost Veterans Day content that speaks to you
  13. Promote a Veterans Day sale
  14. Run a Veterans Day contest or sweepstakes
  15. Partner with a complimentary business