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  • 18 Spring Real Estate Marketing Ideas to Make Business Bloom

The real estate market has seen some drastic changes over the last year. From white-hot to cooling off, real estate businesses have been challenged to adapt to volatile markets while trying to keep their current clients or residents happy–and attract new ones!

real estate marketing meme


So how can you keep your real estate marketing fresh for the spring season and continue seeing great results? We’re sharing 18 spring real estate marketing ideas that will have your business blooming.

18 spring real estate marketing ideas

Try these ideas to bring in new clients, increase word-of-mouth marketing, and build community in your area.

1. Refresh your social media profiles

One easy way to put a little spring in your social media game is to give your social media profiles a refresh. Update your Facebook cover photo, choose a new profile picture, or spring-ify your logo, and make sure you’ve added some recent pictures to your albums of sold or available homes.

spring real estate marketing ideas - update profiles for the season


This is also a good time to make sure you’re posting regularly across your channels. If you’re in need of some inspiration, social media holidays are always a good place to start.

Use these cute spring Instagram captions (with templates!) to check one more item off your to-do list.

2. Get into short-form videos

Another way to up your social media game this spring is to create TikTok videos, YouTube Shorts, and Instagram Reels. More and more real estate agents are getting into these formats because they can help you reach a wider audience–plus, it’s an engaging way to share information.

During the height of the pandemic when in-person showings were happening less frequently, real estate agents were using TikTok and Instagram Reels to showcase their listings. And they’ve continued finding new ways to use these video formats since in-person showings have resumed. (One real estate agent even said TikTok changed her life!)

If you’re not ready to commit to creating a TikTok account, start with Instagram Reels or YouTube Shorts to test the waters. Try creating video tours of your recent listings, short informational videos about the home-buying process, or even debunking real estate myths you’ve heard.

spring real estate marketing ideas - instagram reel example from real estate agent


You can then cross-promote these videos on your other social media sites, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. And don’t forget to include a persuasive call to action.

3. Try a spring social media contest

While on the topic of social media, if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to improve engagement and grow your following, a spring social media contest is your answer!

Facebook contests and Instagram giveaways are really flexible, so you can tailor them to your specific business and goal. Here are some ideas to try:

  • Partner with a related local business for your giveaway. Ask your audience to follow both accounts and tag a friend (or friends!) in the comments for their chance to win.
  • Create a gift basket comprised of goods (and gift cards for services) from local businesses. Ask your audience to like your picture and tag a friend or comment for their entry.
  • Have your audience share a picture of their favorite local place and tag your business on Instagram or Facebook for their chance to win. (This is a great way to get user-generated content, too!)

spring real estate marketing ideas - social media contest example from apartment community


4. Use the right spring real estate hashtags

As you plan your spring real estate marketing calendar, it’s important to incorporate the right hashtags into your posts. You’ll want to find a mix of local hashtags, industry-relevant hashtags, and seasonal or trending hashtags to help your posts reach a wider audience.

Here are some ideas to get started:

  • #[city]realestate
  • #[city]realestateagent
  • #[city]realestatemarket
  • #[city]realtor
  • #[city]realestatebroker
  • #[city]broker
  • #[city]living
  • #[city]homes
  • #[city]
  • #[state]realestate
  • #[state]realtor
  • #springin[city]
  • #realestatetips
  • #realestatetipsandadvice
  • #realestatefacts
  • #realtorsofinstagram
  • #luxurylisting
  • #luxuryhomes
  • #newhome
  • #homeforsale
  • #thingstodoin[city]

spring real estate marketing ideas - example of #dallasrealestate hashtag result on instagram

5. Highlight local businesses

Another cool social media post idea you can add to your spring real estate marketing is to feature and highlight local businesses on your profiles. These can be your favorite local businesses, new businesses opening in the area, or businesses that are related to homeownership and real estate (think home services or home repair).

By highlighting local businesses, you’re putting on a spotlight on your community and letting prospective buyers know what they can expect from living in your area. It also gives other businesses a nice boost—and they might even return the favor in the future! Make sure to tag the business location or the business in your posts for extra exposure.

spring real estate marketing ideas - instagram post from real estate agency highlighting local business


6. Share real estate trivia on social media

If you’re looking for more ideas for your real estate social media marketing, you might also consider posting some real estate trivia. This can be done through your TikTok and reels videos or as image posts using a design tool like Canva.

Think about some interesting information—like the average age of a first-time homebuyer, the average cost of maintaining a home for the year, etc.—and post a weekly trivia tidbit using the hashtag #triviatuesday.

This social media series would be an easy way to fill your calendar while also providing helpful or interesting info to home buyers and sellers.

spring real estate marketing ideas - trivia instagram post on social media from real estate agency


7. Sponsor a trivia night 

Speaking of trivia, many local restaurants or bars host regular trivia nights. Some of them partner with local businesses or organizations, so you could reach out to local trivia night establishments to see if your business could be a sponsor. This typically entails your business donating or covering the cost of the prize for the winners, and in exchange, you get to attend and give a short spiel about your business.

This can also help you build connections with people in your local community who may be searching for your services—or know someone who is. A lot of new customers for real estate businesses comes down to building and making connections, after all!

spring real estate marketing ideas - sponsor or host trivia


If you’re an apartment community, you can also host a trivia night at your own location and invite your residents to bring their friends! This can help build a connection with prospective renters. (See more of our apartment marketing ideas here!)

8. Host an informational webinar or event

As more and more people look to buy or sell homes, there’s a lot of opportunity for your real estate business to provide helpful information that can assist them on their journey—and potentially become a client down the line.

Host an informational webinar or event to answer frequently asked questions, bring in an expert to share insights, or educate first-time home buyers on the process.

spring real estate marketing ideas - local home buyers seminar by real estate group


This helps position your real estate business as a trusted expert and can help you generate leads to convert into clients.

9. Create an FAQ page for your real estate website

Speaking of frequently asked questions, do you have an FAQ page on your website? If not, this is a great spring real estate marketing idea because it can give you a helpful resource to point prospective clients to as well as a way to make your business more authoritative. It also has positive SEO implications because your FAQ page could rank for local searches related to real estate.

To get started with your FAQ page, think of all the typical questions your clients ask you and organize them into one place. Then work on crafting your answers. You can also ask your clients for feedback about what they wish they had known or what they looked for when searching for a real estate business to partner with.

spring real estate marketing ideas - faq page example


By crowdsourcing some of these questions and identifying the most important information prospective clients will be looking for, you can increase your chances of getting found for those searches and becoming the business people turn to for their real estate needs.

Pro tip: Make sure to do local keyword research to find the best keywords to add to your real estate business’s FAQ page.

10. Ask for testimonials

When it comes to finding the right real estate business, people tend to do a lot of research. They want to ensure they’re working with a real estate agent, broker, or lender who is trustworthy and has a record of success. That’s where testimonials come in.

If you haven’t already created and featured testimonials on your website or social sites, now is definitely the time to start. If you already have some great testimonials created, it’s a great time to give them a little refresh by adding more.

spring real estate marketing ideas - example of testimonials page on real estate agent website


Ask your recent clients if they would be comfortable sharing a short quote along with a picture you can feature on your website and social sites. You can streamline this process by creating a Google Form that you can send out that will collect the information in one place.

You can also make this part of your ongoing business process by asking clients to take a picture when they close on their homes and provide a short quote or video that you can share (always ask for permission!).

11. And share them!

Once you have your testimonials from happy clients, it’s time to share them! You’ll want to include testimonials on your website—preferably on their own page that users can navigate to from the homepage. You’ll also want to share them on your social media sites as they’re a great way to engage your audience and use social media as a lead generation tool. You never know who will see their friend or acquaintance tagged in your photo and reach out for more information!

spring real estate marketing ideas - real estate instagram post with client testimonial


You can also run testimonial advertising to spread kind words about your business to even more prospective clients.

12. Spruce up your business description

Another area of your website that may need a little sprucing up is your business description. You’ll want to take a look at your business description across your full online presence, which also includes your local listings and your social media sites.

Take some time to think about what you want to convey about your business, what it’s important that people know about you, and what sets you apart. We have a whole guide on how to write a business description that can help!

spring real estate marketing ideas - business description example from houston real estate agency


Want to know how your website stacks up right now? Try our free website grader to get your score!

13. Put together thoughtful (spring-related!) client gifts

Your clients are putting a lot of trust (and money!) into their relationship with you. One way to show some customer appreciation is to give them a gift at the close of your working relationship. Some ideas include:

  • A gift basket with goods from local businesses they can frequent near their new home.
  • A framed drawing of their new (or old) home as a keepsake.
  • A nice bottle of wine with etched wine glasses to enjoy outside.
  • Personalized keychains for their home keys.
  • Personalized spring-scented candles with a wick lighter.

Your gifts don’t have to be the same for every client, either. You might get to know your clients really well and can put together something you know they’ll like.

spring real estate marketing ideas - client gift example from brenham real estate agent

This real estate agent gave a customized welcome mat.

This not only serves as a nice way to cap off your time working together, but it can increase your chances of getting referrals later on—people love a thoughtful gesture!

14. Create a client referral program

Speaking of referrals, if you don’t already have a formalized way to ask for referrals, this is a great spring real estate marketing idea to add to your list! People trust people they know to provide recommendations about who to work with—and this is especially true for real estate. Your current and past clients can be your best lead generators. All you have to do is create a referral program and promote it.

Referral programs typically include an incentive for the client to give a referral, so think about what would be enticing for your clients. Perhaps it’s a free cleaning service with a local business, a large gift card, or a local gift basket. You could even ask your current clients what would entice them to refer their friends and neighbors.

Once you have your incentive outlined, you can either create a page on your website with information about your referral program or send an email to your list to promote your program. Make sure to let new clients know about the program too so you can keep the referrals coming in. (Get our email templates for some help with this!)

spring real estate marketing ideas - instagram post from realtor talking about his client referral program


If you already have a referral program, you can give it a spring refresh by upping your incentive or just sending out some new promotional materials.

15. Partner with a local organization

Another spring real estate marketing idea is to partner with a local organization to support throughout the season. I recently attended an open house where a local organization had set up a lemonade stand out front to raise money for their cause. Everyone was loving the refreshments and it felt nice to give back—plus, it’s an easy way for the organization to reach people!

If you don’t want to have the organization present at an open house, you can support them by sharing information on your social media sites, donating a specific amount for the season, or having your team donate their time by volunteering with the organization.

spring real estate marketing ideas - instagram post from apartment community spotlighting local organization


This is a great way to show your commitment to your local community, build relationships, and use your network for good!

16. Guest blog

Guest blogging is a great spring real estate marketing idea because it can help you reach a new audience, build valuable SEO backlinks for your website, and position your business as an authority. Guest blogging entails creating a piece of content for another business’s or organization’s website with you as the author.

spring real estate marketing ideas - guest blog example from orlando sentinel


There are many opportunities for those in real estate to guest blog. Consider reaching out to local publications, local blogs (such as micro-influencers, mommy bloggers, or blogs about what to do in your area), local chambers of commerce, or other local businesses related to your industry that have blogs. Many websites welcome guest bloggers and would be happy to feature your insight! Just make sure to choose a topic that aligns with both your business and the publication’s audience.

17. Spring-ify your ad campaigns

It’s a good idea to regularly switch up your real estate ad campaigns, whether you’re refreshing the creative, the ad copy, or checking in on your ad targeting. You can give your ads a spring boost by including some spring marketing slogans in your copy and choosing some seasonal images that speak to the changing seasons.

spring real estate marketing ad example

18. Try online booking software

If you haven’t already added an online booking option for your real estate business, now is the time to try it! You can have potential customers schedule a free consultation right from your website. This allows you to close more customers without putting in the time to coordinate schedules or get them on the phone.

By testing this real estate marketing idea this spring, you can see easily manage new customers while you’re on the go.

Make business bloom with these spring real estate marketing ideas

Sprucing your real estate marketing up for spring can help you breathe some fresh air into your social media, website, and other marketing channels. By testing out these ideas, you can make business bloom all season long.

Here are those 18 spring real estate marketing ideas to try:

  1. Refresh your social media profiles
  2. Get into short-form videos
  3. Try a spring social media contest
  4. Use the right hashtags
  5. Highlight local businesses
  6. Share real estate trivia on social media
  7. Sponsor (or host) a trivia night
  8. Host an informational webinar or event
  9. Create an FAQ page
  10. Ask for testimonials
  11. And share them!
  12. Spruce up your business description
  13. Put together thoughtful client gifts
  14. Create a client referral program
  15. Partner with a local organization
  16. Guest blog
  17. Spring-ify your ad campaigns
  18. Try online booking software

Want more real estate marketing resources? We’ve got you covered!